Sep 20, 2009

It's Raining Cats!

OK, not really, but it has been raining a lot and we have been dealing with a lot of cats. So far in September we've trapped 17 cats (all to the vet for shots and spay/neuter) and 6 kittens (all in foster homes at the moment). Check out my other blog for pictures of those cuties.
Since I have cats on the brain I've decided to make the most of it. I thought of this painting idea the other day as I was baiting traps with tuna fish:

"Gone Fishin'"

I find it really challenging to paint cat faces - how did I do this time?

I also sketched out another 'predator and prey' idea. Guess who this time?

Have a great Sunday!

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1 COMMENTS - Click here to leave YOURS!:

Unknown said...

The Ginger looks like a cutie :-)

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