Mar 2, 2009

Mondays should be Funnier!

Nobody is in a really good mood on Monday. It's easy to understand - long work week ahead, too much to do, not enough time... If you think you have it bad, just remember - these poor guys have it worse:

They may not have green cards but this is no way to treat a gnome, regardless...

I also thought today would be a great day to share my latest scientific discovery. Last week I took a really great photo of what I thought at the time was the planet Venus. Upon closer inspection I discovered it was actually the comet Tulin. Here's the picture in case you missed it:

After further research, some thought, and a healthy imagination, I have decided this is actually my personal black hole. Since it is my PERSONAL black hole, I am free to throw anything into it. Today I will start with a few random objects: a cow, an astronaut, a rocket ship, The cat in the Hat (in honor of Dr Seuss' birthday), and the U.S. Dollar (in honor of Wall Street's dismal performance).

Over time I plan to throw MANY things into my personal black hole. If you would like to participate in this very liberating activity, please feel free to offer your own suggestions!

Note: No actual cows, astronauts, or cats were harmed by my actions. This event might even HELP the dollar - it's still too soon to tell.

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4 COMMENTS - Click here to leave YOURS!:

Anonymous said...

OK, for the black hole I nominate: light beer, Rush Limbaugh, France, and everyone involved with American Idol (Simon first).


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

LOL - That's awesome!

storybeader said...

I've got a broken lawnmower in the back yard you can have... it's not that heavy, and it's a spare my DH picked up somewhere. He said he's going to fix it, but if it's not there....

ReneeBuchananArt said...

For the black hole: I'd like to feed in my ex-husband and my 4th grade teacher....

Renee :)

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