Oct 25, 2008

May the Force be with You!

OK, I'm a big fan of the original Star Wars films and I'll admit that I once thought Pricess Leia's "honey bun" hairdo was pretty cool. We're a pretty fanatical bunch but I have to draw the line at dressing up a baby to look like a character from a 1977 Science Fiction film!

Princess Leia and Chewbacca

Star Wars fans, you have to move on... If you dress your kids like this they will never forgive you.

If you're desperate and looking for another costume idea - don't choose this one either...

Click here to see more hilarious baby costumes!

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1 COMMENTS - Click here to leave YOURS!:

sewitsforyou said...

these costumes are adorable. I wish I had a baby to put in them.. too cute.

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